Thursday, November 20, 2014

What Opportunity Reveals

Thus [Potiphar] left all that he had in Joseph's hand, and he did not know what he had except for the bread which he ate.

Genesis 39:6a

In July of this year, a bank teller pled guilty to embezzling nearly two million dollars from the State Bank of Lincoln where she worked as a head teller. She pulled off her crime by having access to the bank's vault and by changing audit numbers. Because she had worked at the bank for nearly two decades, she was trusted.

Joseph, in a much shorter time, grew to be totally trusted by his master, Potiphar, a wealthy official in Egypt. In fact, Potiphar turned over so much responsibility to Joseph -- managing everything he owned -- that all he knew about his property was the food he ate every day. Joseph managed everything else. How easy in such a situation -- complete, trusted access to great wealth -- would it have been for Joseph to line his own pockets with Potiphar's goods? What the playwright Oscar Wilde said -- "I can resist anything except temptation" -- was not true of Joseph. His integrity was not changed because of his privileged position.

Circumstances don't create character; they reveal character. Arm yourself today with the integrity of Christ.

David Jeremiah

"The three most important ingredients in Christian work are integrity, integrity, integrity." Charles Colson

Friday, November 14, 2014

No Power

My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent. Proverbs 1:10

Temptation has been around since the days of Adam and Eve, but it's never been as virulent as today. Sexual temptation, especially, has been intensified by technology, and it tends to reach people earlier in life. Still, we read in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that no temptation has overtaken us except what is common to humanity; and God is faithful to provide pathways of escape. He did this for Joseph in Genesis 39. When tempted by Potiphar's wife, Joseph was able to say "No" because he had established his convictions before the crisis. His moral principles were set in advance, so Joseph instinctively resisted the lure of lust.

Temptation has many guises, but God gives power over temptation. Our greatest weapons are: (1) a preset determination to obey God; (2) memorized Scripture on needed topics; and (3) prayer. Jesus told us to watch and pray so we don't fall into temptation (Matthew 26:41).

Don't wait until the moment of crisis. Plan ahead, hide God's Word in your heart, and pray in advance for victory, holiness, and a life pleasing to God.

Are you protecting yourself, your family, and your church from falling into temptation through active prayer to the Father?

Henry and Norman Blackaby, in Experiencing Prayer with Jesus

Monday, September 1, 2014

For All Have Sinned

Some years ago in a church in England, the pastor noticed that a former burglar was kneeling at the communion rail beside a judge of the Supreme Court of England, the very judge who, years before, had sentenced the burglar to seven years in prison. After his release the burglar had been converted to Christ and had become a Christian worker.

After the service, as the judge and the pastor walked home together, the judge asked, “Did you see who was kneeling beside me at the communion rail?” “Yes,” replied the pastor, “but I didn’t know that you noticed.” The two men walked on in silence for a few moments, and then the judge said, “What a miracle of grace!” The pastor nodded in agreement, “Yes, what a marvelous miracle of grace!”

Then the judge said, “But to whom do you refer?” The pastor replied, “Why to the conversion of that convict.” The judge said, “But I was not referring to him. I was thinking of myself.” “What do you mean?” the pastor asked.

The judge replied, “That burglar knew how much he needed Christ to save him from his sins. But look at me. I was taught from childhood to live as a gentleman, to keep my word, to say my prayers, to go to church. I went through Oxford, took my degrees, was called to the bar and eventually became a judge. Pastor, nothing but the grace of God could have caused me to admit that I was a sinner on a level with that burglar. It took much more grace to forgive me for all my pride and self-righteousness, to get me to admit that I was no better in the eyes of God than that convict whom I had sent to prison.”

Unknown Source

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Practice His Presence

Frequently remind yourself that God is with you, that He will never fail you, that you can count upon Him. Say these words, "God is with me, helping me." –Norman Vincent Peale

Saturday, July 19, 2014

7 Simple Steps to Banish Stress From Your Life Forever

BY Peter Economy @bizzwriter

Stress can be a killer--in more ways that one. Take some simple steps to kick stress out of your life once and for all.

While some let themselves get overwhelmed and shut down, others use stress to motivate and push them to greater heights. Without the proper stress management tools, it's easy to give in and find ourselves overcome by stress. By following these seven steps, you can banish stress from your life--once and for all.

1. Look at the big picture.
While you may be coming uncomfortably close to a deadline, your lack of progress is not your wife's or your children's faults, and probably not your coworkers' or employees' either. It's very important to remember what's most important in your life, and to be aware when you're blaming others for your problems and then taking it out on those closest to you. Sometimes we get so stressed that we blow up, which just causes more stress and drama in our lives.Try to keep things in proportion and you will see your stress level diminish daily.

2. Exercise.
Being active is healthy for the body and the mind. When you're feeling stressed, take a quick break and go for a walk outside your office. This short interruption will give you a fresh perspective while removing immediate sources of stress. And as an added benefit, the endorphins released in your brain from the physical activity will make you feel better and at peace.

3. Eat healthy.
Sugar crashes are a real thing, and with sugar hiding out in most every kind of processed food, it's extremely important to be aware of what you put in your body. Start out your mornings with a big, healthy breakfast--something along the lines of eggs and vegetables--and be sure to take breaks for lunch no matter how busy your day is. Keeping your brain fueled with healthy foods helps to keep stress from creeping up on you.

4. Keep track of progress.
Write down how much you've accomplished on a project. Keep track of your average progress and make a goal for when you can and will complete it. Through this process, you can truly see how much is left to be done and plan accordingly instead of feeling overwhelmed inside because you aren't sure how much is left to accomplish.

5. Stay organized.
Disorganization in any form causes the brain to feel stressed. Organize your work, your surroundings, and your activities in a way that gives you the most breathing room. If you are sitting in a room of clutter, your brain won't be able to focus on the task at hand. The more organized you are, the better you feel subconsciously. If you are feeling disorganized, spend 10 minutes a day on organizing different areas of your office and the work itself, and set a schedule for yourself.

6. Remain positive.
Don't let yourself hang onto negative thoughts that you won't accomplish whatever it is that you need to to do. Tell yourself that you can and will finish on time, get organized, and get healthy. Make a goal, write it down, and hold yourself accountable.

7. Make time for fun.
The old saying is work hard, play hard, but if you're focused on only work and set aside no time for fun, you will get stressed and burned out. Be happy, and spread some of that happiness around. Plan non-working vacations, get-togethers with your employees outside of your office, and fun-filled activities for everyone to participate in within your office.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How To Be Optimistic

Scientific research has come up with a long list of benefits to being optimistic. Here are just a few:

  • Optimism is associated with better health and a longer life.
  • Research has shown that practicing optimism and gratitude causes (not just correlates with) an increase in happiness.
  • The army teaches soldiers to be optimistic because it makes them tougher and more persistent.
  • Being socially optimistic — expecting people to like you — makes people like you more.
  • Expecting a positive outcome from negotiations made groups more likely to come to a deal and to be happy with it.
  • Optimists are luckier. Research shows by thinking positive they persevere and create more opportunities for themselves.
  • Optimistic salespeople are more successful.

Click here for Eric Barker's excellent column.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Heavenly Aroma

A Heavenly Aroma
By Michelle Medlock Adams

God thinks of us as a perfume that brings Christ to everyone. For people who are being saved, this perfume has a sweet smell and leads them to a better life. (Second Corinthians 2:15-16)

She breezed in and sat down in front of me at an Indiana University basketball game on that cold February night. She was an older woman, dressed in a navy business suit, with a red and white scarf tied stylishly around her neck.

Her silver hair was neatly tucked behind her ears in a classic bob–sort of like Doris Day–and her lipstick was a perfect IU crimson.

I would have guessed her to be in her early 60s...probably an IU professor. As she settled into her seat, a wonderful aroma filled the air. In fact, it broke through the smells of stale popcorn and overcooked hot dogs and filled my nostrils. I inhaled deeply and said, “Mmmm.”

“Do you smell that?” I whispered to my mother.

“Yes, it’s marvelous,” she answered.

There was no doubt. The wonderful aroma had wafted in with the classy lady in front of us. As the halftime buzzer sounded, I leaned forward and tapped the woman on her shoulder. I just had to know.

“Excuse me, Ma’am, you smell so wonderful...could you tell me what you’re wearing?”

“Thank you,” she said. “It’s called Krizia.”

I shared the information with my mother, and we both made a mental note to buy Krizia as our next perfume purchase. I wanted to smell just like the classy lady with the silver hair. I wanted that wonderful scent to become my "signature fragrance."

You know, the Bible says we are the aroma of Christ. When we enter a room, we should carry his fragrance with us. His aroma should be so pleasing on us that people will tap us on the shoulder and ask what we’re “wearing.”

With that opening, we can share Jesus Christ with every person who notices our Christ-like aroma.

Maybe your fragrance smells more like those overcooked weenies or the stale popcorn. If so, you just need a “smell makeover.” Ask God to replace your human smell with his divine fragrance, so that you will be a witness of his sweetness everywhere you go.

Ask the Lord to fill you up with his fragrant love so that it enters the room even before you do. He will. He doesn’t want his children to go around smelling stinky. After all, we are the aroma of Christ, and that’s even better than Krizia.

“Father, thank you for loving me, and thank you for filling me up with your love so that my signature fragrance becomes just like yours. I praise you, God, for providing openings that I might be able to share you and your love with others who cross my path. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.”

Posted originally on

Saturday, July 5, 2014

10 Sure Signs You're in the Right Job

10 Sure Signs You're in the Right Job
By Peter Economy @bizzwriter

There are few things better in life than knowing you're in the right job or career--and few things worse than being stuck in the wrong one. Here's how to assess your current situation.

Click here to read the column.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Live Your Life In God’s Light

How are you? It’s a question you hear a dozen times a day. Mostly you mumble a “fine” or “okay” and don’t give it much thought. But maybe you should.

How are you? Are you excited about life? Are you eager to see what God has in store for you each day? Or are you lethargic and downcast? In Malachi 4:2, God promises that to those who honor and revere him, “the sun of righteousness will rise with healing its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.” Picture it—frolicking with the pure joy of being alive!

When you are sick physically, you take medicine to make you better. And how do you take that medicine? Ordinarily you take it by mouth in the form of a liquid or a pill, or you take it by injection into the bloodstream. When your sickness is that of your heart and your mind, how can you take a dose of faith, the medicine you need?

You can take it either through the eye or through the ear. For example, suppose you read the Bible. The printed words are reflected as an image on the retina of the eye. This is transmitted to the mind where it conveys an idea and the idea affects the diseased area of the mind with its healing potency. That is why you should read the Bible.

The other way you can take faith is through the ear. Suppose you come to church. You hear the reading of the Bible, you hear the great music, you hear the sermon, you hear the prayers. All these make impacts on the eardrum. And these travel to the mind by a process that I do not pretend to understand, and reach the diseased area where the fears are. And if you do this sufficiently and earnestly, you can be healed of your fears, your apprehensions and your anxieties by the strong message of faith.

The Gospels tell us that Jesus went about “proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people” (Matthew 4:23). Every disease—physical, emotional, spiritual. Jesus has promised that, “Whoever follows me will…have the light of life” (John 8:12). Can you think of a healthier, happier condition that being filled with God-given light?

God wants to make you whole. How are you?

Norman Vincent Peale

God's Personal Deliverance

. . . I am with you to deliver you,’ says the Lord... Jeremiah 1:8

God promised Jeremiah that He would deliver him personally— “. . . your life shall be as a prize to you . . .” (Jeremiah 39:18). That is all God promises His children. Wherever God sends us, He will guard our lives. Our personal property and possessions are to be a matter of indifference to us, and our hold on these things should be very loose. If this is not the case, we will have panic, heartache, and distress. Having the proper outlook is evidence of the deeply rooted belief in the overshadowing of God’s personal deliverance.

The Sermon on the Mount indicates that when we are on a mission for Jesus Christ, there is no time to stand up for ourselves. Jesus says, in effect, “Don’t worry about whether or not you are being treated justly.” Looking for justice is actually a sign that we have been diverted from our devotion to Him. Never look for justice in this world, but never cease to give it. If we look for justice, we will only begin to complain and to indulge ourselves in the discontent of self-pity, as if to say, “Why should I be treated like this?” If we are devoted to Jesus Christ, we have nothing to do with what we encounter, whether it is just or unjust. In essence, Jesus says, “Continue steadily on with what I have told you to do, and I will guard your life. If you try to guard it yourself, you remove yourself from My deliverance.” Even the most devout among us become atheistic in this regard— we do not believe Him. We put our common sense on the throne and then attach God’s name to it. We do lean to our own understanding, instead of trusting God with all our hearts (see Proverbs 3:5-6).

Oswald Chambers (My Upmost For His Highest)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Never Accept Defeat

You don’t need to be defeated by anything! Why? Because the enormous power of God and the strength-giving power of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can enable you to avoid any defeat.

This isn’t to minimize circumstances. Life can be overwhelming. And if you are in the midst of troubles and woes just now, it may seem incredible that anyone would say, “Never accept defeat.” But God wants us to be victorious! He built us to be overcomers!

So how do you go about never accepting defeat? Use these three principles:

1. Never think defeat.
If you feel defeated and you think, I’m tired and weary and I’ve had it that is exactly how it will be. But if, when the going gets rough, you think, I won’t accept this. I will continue to think victory and not defeat, then all the resources of your nature flow toward achieving victory. One way to cancel out thoughts of defeat is simply to repeat that text from Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It will knock any defeatism right out of you!

2. Stick it out and never stop trying.
How many times have you failed at something because you simply didn’t try hard enough or long enough? The test of an individual’s character is how determined he is. You must get hold of an idea and never let go. If you have an objective, and a roadblock gets in the way, you must get around, or underneath, or over or through the barrier. No roadblock should stop you. You must keep on keeping on. “Let us not become weary…we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

3. Keep God in it.
Nobody can be as strong, vital and heroic as I have suggested without the presence of God. This is an overwhelming world, and we are very small. It is like the prayer the Normandy fishermen offer when they go out on the deep to fish. Before they cast off their tiny boats, they pray: “O Lord, take care of us. The sea is so vast. We are so small.” God does and will take care of you. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

The secret of meeting life victoriously is how close you are to God, how deeply and sincerely you receive Jesus Christ into your life. If you give your life to God, if you commit your life to Christ, if this becomes your consuming passion, you will have immunity—not from difficulty, but from defeat. And that is all we can ask.

Norman Vincent Peale

Friday, June 6, 2014

Chuck Norris' Personal Code

These rules are from Chuck Norris's personal code. I thought they were worth passing along.

  • I will develop myself to the maximum of my potential in all ways.
  • I will forget the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achievements.
  • I will continually work at developing love, happiness and loyalty in my family.
  • I will look for the good in all people and make them feel worthwhile.
  • If I have nothing good to say about a person, I will say nothing.
  • I will always be as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
  • I will maintain an attitude of open-mindedness.
  • I will maintain respect for those in authority and demonstrate this respect at all times.
  • I will always remain loyal to my God, my country, family and my friends.
  • I will remain highly goal-oriented throughout my life because that positive attitude helps my family, my country and myself.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

17 Things Happy People Say Every Day

Are you as happy as you wish you were today? If not, try saying a few of these simple, inspiring things to other people. They won't just improve your mood; they'll trigger positive reactions that will legitimately make you feel happier, too.

Click here for the article.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Positive Thinking Increases Productivity

Studies demonstrate happiness increases productivity and makes you more successful.

As Shawn Achor describes in his book The Happiness Advantage:

…doctors put in a positive mood before making a diagnosis show almost three times more intelligence and creativity than doctors in a neutral state, and they make accurate diagnoses 19 percent faster. Optimistic salespeople outsell their pessimistic counterparts by 56 percent. Students primed to feel happy before taking math achievement tests far outperform their neutral peers. It turns out that our brains are literally hardwired to perform at their best not when they are negative or even neutral, but when they are positive.

Friday, May 30, 2014

The Happiness Book

"Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." [Nehemiah 8:10]

Many do not think of happiness in connection with the Bible but basically the Bible is a book not of severity and gloom but of joy, even laughter (Prov. 17:22). With what joy the Lord God must have created the world with all its exotic flowers, colorful birds, and strange creatures of the land and sea! The star-spangled sky, sunrises, sunsets, spring days, and the glory of autumn are all the handiwork of a joyful Creator.

His Word is a book of joy (Luke 1: 46-47; 2:10). John Wesley translated “blessed” in the Beatitudes as “happy.” And, rightfully so, for blessedness is, as someone has said, “happiness with its roots in eternity.” So, the Beatitudes reveal the way to joyous living. Jesus continually sounded the note of joy in His life and teaching (Matt. 13:44; Luke 15:3-10; Heb. 12:). God’s desire for us is that we may be filled with all joy and peace in believing (Rom. 15:13).

Even trouble is transmuted, through the golden touch of faith, into happiness. James said, “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” [James 1:2-4]. Face your troubles with joyous faith in the Lord who makes us victorious over our problems, and your character will become whole, and mature and continually radiant.

Norman Vincent Peale (Bible Power for Successful Living)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Right Now

Remember that you can only live one day at a time. Yesterday is a memory. Tomorrow is a hope. The only reality is right now. Make this minute a good one, fill it with love and trust and good deeds; continue this all day and every day and your life will be full of happiness.

Norman Vincent Peale

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

On Having A Good Day

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life… [Psalm 23:6]

At the beginning of creation God made the days and after each of them He “saw that it was good” (Gen. 1:5, 10, 12). When we learn to take life one day at a time and to follow Scriptural principals of life and happiness, we too can look back at the end of each day, filled though it may be with pressures and problems and thank God for a good day. His goodness and love fills every one of them (Ps. 23:6). We can either enjoy each day, and live it to the full or we can waste it in futility and misery. The Bible was written to help us make each day wonderful.

Norman Vincent Peale

Don’t Let Others Control You

“It is an honor for a man to cease from strife and keep aloof from it, but every fool will quarrel.” (Proverbs 20:3, AMP)

Did you know that when you allow someone else’s words or actions to upset you, you’re allowing them to control you? When you say, “You make me so mad,” you’re really just admitting that their actions have power over you. As long as that person knows they can push your buttons, as long as you keep responding the same way, you are giving them exactly what they want. Sure, people have a right to say and do things that are upsetting, but we also have a right to not get offended. We have a right to overlook their actions. In fact, the Bible says that it’s an honor for a man to keep “aloof” from strife. In other words, we have to remove ourselves, either physically or emotionally, from strife and offense. It’s not easy, but we can choose to let it roll off of us like water off a duck’s back!

Remember, you don’t need everyone to agree with you all the time. You don’t have to have the approval of others in order to be approved by God. Your job is to be the person God made you to be. Overlook offenses and let go of strife so you can live in peace and victory all the days of your life!

A PRAYER FOR TODAY Father, thank You for loving, accepting and approving me just as I am. I know You are doing a work in my life, and I ask for the strength and confidence to overlook offense so that I can honor You in everything I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Breathing Exercises For Relaxation

Go here: WebMD Stress Management Page

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Good Sense

“Good sense makes a man restrain his anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression or an offense.” (Proverbs 19:11, AMP)

Every day, we have opportunities to get upset, frustrated or offended. Maybe you had plans that didn’t work out, or someone was rude to you at the office. Maybe you were doing something that should have taken one hour and ended up taking three. Life is full of inconveniences. Even though we can’t always control our circumstances, we can control our reaction. They say, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond.”

We should always go out each day with a positive attitude, full of hope and expecting God’s favor. But at the same time, we should recognize that most days are not going to go exactly as we planned. However, we are created to live in peace. Peace is our position of power. If you get stressed because you got off schedule, or upset because your child wouldn’t eat his breakfast, or frustrated because somebody offended you, you are giving away your power. Instead, use good sense! Make the decision to release those offenses and disappointments so you live in peace. Overlook offense, release offense and move forward in the power and victory the Lord has for you!

Father, today I release every care, concern, offense and disappointment to You. I choose to keep the peace that You have given me knowing that with You, my best days are ahead in Jesus’ name! Amen.

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

Emotional Preparedness

This is why... most martial arts practitioners focus on mental training as much as on physical training. Both are equally important — and require equally vigorous exercise and practice.


If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal. NVP


One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular. TR